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PDF U/A alternate description for links
From: Elizabeth Thomas
Date: Feb 14, 2023 11:34AM
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I have a question about alternate descriptions for links and was unable to find an answer online; I thought someone on this list must know the answer.
Why does PDF U/A require alternate descriptions for links? If my link is human readable, and makes sense out of context, why do I also need an alternate description for that link? It seems like the rule should only apply to badly written links or full URLs.
For example, if the link text in my PDF is the web page title, and that text is a content object that is a child of the link, won't technologies associate that text with the link? And won't assistive technologies, like a screen reader, read that text when they encounter the link?
Are there some technologies that don't correctly read the associated text when they encounter a link? Is that what the standard is addressing?
I know how to automate adding the alternate descriptions for links in a PDF, but it seems unnecessary (unless the links are full URLs or don't describe the link destination when taken out of context). PAC 3 always flags this issue, but I don't really understand why it's in the guidelines/standards.
Thanks in advance.
-Elizabeth Thomas
Digital Accessibility Specialist
New Jersey Department of Education
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