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Re: Screen reader bugs


From: Julie Romanowski
Date: May 30, 2023 5:06AM

What Tim said. 😁

In my years of testing, I came to the same conclusions as Tim. As always,
he states things much more eloquently than I.

On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 9:37 PM < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> I refer to any bug that seems to be due to the browser, OS's accessibility
> API, or screen reader as a user agent defect. That is the code for the
> application is coded to technical specifications but does not work due to
> some issue or combination of issues with the browser, OS, or screen reader.
> Before I tag something a user agent defect, I want to come up with solid
> proof and documentation that it really is a user agent defect. For example,
> I might want to be able to recreate the problem using a minimum viable test
> page.
> Once I figure out that it is likely a user agent defect, it is time to
> decide what to do about it. For example, if there is no screen
> reader/browser/OS combination that supports that technique, then I don't
> recommend that technique. If it only occurs in some combinations, what is
> the user impact? Is there a work around for the issue? How difficult is the
> work around to implement? Is the work around a hack or just another
> technique supported by the specifications?
> I don't always go as far as deciding if the issue exists in the screen
> reader, browser, OS, or some combination. That does involve extra time and
> effort and if the focus is on implementing an application for the next
> sprint, there isn't always the time to spend on that effort.
> It has been a while since I had the opportunity to fully test this, but I
> don't believe that most screen readers support reporting the required or
> aria-required state from the fieldset, legend, or element with
> role="group". When I find a situation like that and there are other viable
> techniques, I just recommend the other techniques. In fact, in situations
> where there is little or no support for something I tend to think of that
> more as a user agent behaviour rather than a user agent defect--but that is
> just a personal perspective.
> Unfortunately, there really isn't a hard set of rules for this. It is
> quite possible for 2 accessibility professionals to look at the same
> information for a user agent defect and they end up with different
> decisions. The important part is to gather as much information as you can
> regarding the nature of the issue, its user impact, and the alternatives
> and then try to make a decision based on requirements and trade-offs that
> seem sensible for the environment.
> I've actually had the past opportunity to work with some people who are on
> or have been part of this list and have discussions on these types of
> defects. It always ends up being an interesting and insightful discussion.
> Thanks!
> Tim