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Alert on search results update
From: Sumit Patel
Date: Jun 25, 2023 1:44PM
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Hai all,
I have a search field in my website. Here, as I am typing any
character , the results will updating . As I type each character , the
results will be changing. We don't have any search button to perform
the search. Just type the keywords, below results would be loading .
But, I guess it would be difficult for screen reader user to
understand the same as there is neither any alert to inform them that
results have been loaded below nor any instruction is given to pre
indicate the user that results would be loading as they type character
What would be the right way to fix this ?
I feel , if we give any instant alert , it would be oververboes as the
results would be changing as they type each characters. I thought
giving any offscreen instruction and associating it with the field
using aria-describedby would help screen reader users . , for example
: resulkts gets updated below as you type anything here
Please suggest me is it the right approach or do we have anything better ?
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- Previous message: jeffgutsell@fuse.net: "Re: Clarification on the banner role not being at the top of a page"
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