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VPAT for Services


From: Vaibhav Saraf
Date: Jul 12, 2024 1:44AM

Hello Folks,

I have a VPAT question. Recently, my team was working on
a piece of work, and there was an ask if we could provide a VPAT. VPAT, to
what I know, is provided for products only, and here we were offering a

However, looking at one of the FAQs on ITIC's website:
Does ITI review or approve VPATs?
No, ITI does not review or approve VPATs. ITI provides the VPAT templates
as a free resource for anyone to use. We provide extensive instructions and
training slides/videos on our website regarding how to complete the VPAT.
VPATs shouldn't require a third party review - the product/service owner who
completes the VPAT will likely have the most accurate information about the
unique features represented on the VPATs. This is always something you can
choose to do as part of an extra compliance check, but is not required.
(Caveat: If you are completing a VPAT in response to a government or other
solicitation, follow the specific directions receive in the solicitation,
which may require a third party audit or review as part of its terms. If
you have any questions about what is being required, ask the entity that
issued the solicitation for clarification).

Looking at a particular part "...the product/service owner who completes
the VPAT will likely have ...", gives me an impression that VPATs can be
for services as well. Is that right, or I am just being pedantic here?

Please throw some light.
