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Re: when to use modal dialog box


From: Jon Bodnar
Date: Jul 16, 2024 12:44PM

It sounds like you gave reasonable advice based on what you described. That said, I can think of differing scenarios. For example, the verification code input could simply be the next form field. I’d hope the developers would investigate different design options before making UI changes.

Modal dialogs make sense when

* They contain the most important information users need
* Users must act before continuing (like confirming a purchase)

Your situation seems to fit those criteria.

If you're looking for a more detailed discussion, I’d recommend this post: https://hidde.blog/dialog-modal-popover-differences/


Jonathan Bodnar

From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > on behalf of <EMAIL REMOVED> < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 1:52 PM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: [WebAIM] when to use modal dialog box
Hi All,

Last week, my wife was using her iPhone with VoiceOver to make a web
purchase while talking to a salesman. After entering the initial data, the
site sent her a dual verification code and a dialog popped up where she
should enter the code.

The dialog was not modal and she had an awful time finding the data entry

I told the salesman that he should report this to IT as an accessibility
issue and that IT should make the dialog modal.

I have been thinking about this incident and would like to hear whether I
provided the right observation. Perhaps this kind of data entry situation
should not even occur in a dialog.

Jeff Gutsell

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