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Re: Spanish accessibility resources


From: Sandra.Hollingshead
Date: Jul 16, 2024 7:47PM

Hi Christine

I do have some resources for you but, unfortunately, I can't guarantee that you will find what you are looking for. You will notice that these are all European. Normally I am looking for materials in French and I find that European Union resources often help me find materials more easily because I can start my search in English and just ask for that document in another language.

Certainly! Here are some accessibility resources related to Spain and the European Union:

Accessibilitas: A digital platform created by the ONCE Foundation and the Royal Disability Board. It promotes knowledge on Universal Accessibility and gathers information on physical, technological, and communication accessibility. You can access the platform here -- https://www.age-platform.eu/spanish-portal-accessibilitas-available-in-english/

National Universal Accessibility Plan (Spain): Launched by Spain's Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, this plan provides guidelines to help Spain fully comply with the mandates of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It aims to make Spain an accessible country -- https://accessible-eu-centre.ec.europa.eu/content-corner/news/spain-launches-its-ii-national-universal-accessibility-plan-2024-01-16_en

European Accessibility Act Toolkit for transposition: Available in Spanish, this toolkit assists in implementing the European Accessibility Actn-- https://www.edf-feph.org/publications/eaa-toolkit/
Spanish Web Accessibility Standard (UNE 139803:2004): Developed by the Spanish standards organization AENOR, this standard defines the level of web accessibility that public sector organizations must conform to based on Law 34 of 2002. It is broadly based on the requirements of WCAG 1.0 -- https://www.levelaccess.com/blog/spanish-accessibility-requirements/

About Accessible EU" AccessibleEU is one of the flagship initiatives proposed by the European Commission Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. It is a resource Centre on accessibility working on areas such as built environment, transport, information and communication technologies to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in all areas of life on equal basis with others. -- https://commission.europa.eu/index_es

Let me know if this helps.


S.L. Hollingshead (Ms/she/her/elle)
Library Services (SICL), Global Affairs Canada / Services de la bibliothèque (SICL), Affaires mondiales Canada
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