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what ar any risks of making elements contenteditable


From: jeffgutsell
Date: Jul 21, 2024 2:01PM

Hi All,

I am starting to experiment with something I have never tried before. I am
thinking of using the "contenteditable" attribute on some elements where the
user could write some text then use <select> elements to apply colors, fonts
and sizes. The only goal of this would be to create a small document that
the user would print.

Is it even possible to make something like this accessible? Perhaps there is
a role or two that would tell screen readers when to go into forms mode on
the elements that have the "contentedibable" attribute.

I guess I should disclose a bit more. Years ago, when I could use MS Word
more effectively, I created my own greeting cards. The content for the
inside page had to be flipped upside down . When the printout is folded ,
the inside is right-side up. I cannot use Word that well anymore and would
like to see if I can regain the ability to create my own cards with a web

I doubt that I can achieve this with standard <input> and <textarea>
elements. Hence, the experiments with putting "contenteditable" on headings
and paragraphs.

Jeff Gutsell