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Re: PDF Reading order question


From: Jon Metz
Date: Aug 5, 2024 9:51AM

Hi Duff and Phil,

In terms of "Content Label", I was trying to call out the fact that the content wasn't a sentence per se, but content related to the information that followed it. Sort of like:

Red things
This is an apple.

To me, this would be tagged as:

H2 - Fruit
H3 - Red things
P - This is an apple.

I'm not really sure there's a true benefit to adding an H3, but semantically speaking, "Red things" is obviously a label and not a sentence, and since a paragraph technically (usually) has a subject and a predicate, it makes sense to label it as a heading instead of a single sentence paragraph (to me).

That said, I didn't want to sway one's opinion of what to do with what I think is an H3, so I called it "Content Label" instead. Hope that makes sense.

I too would tag the document like Phil does, as I believe main content belongs together. Semantically speaking, I do not know what the logo and links have anything to do with the H2, so it makes sense to place it along with the H1.

I find it fascinating that it's been observed that remediators prefer the visual order of a document. That said, I think it goes against 1.3.1 and the spirit of PDF/UA ensuring that the logical reading order is upheld.

Anyway, thanks again for your feedback.
