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Re: Is using aria-label to add alternative text - but no alt attribute still a WCAG fail?


From: Samantha Radomski
Date: Aug 23, 2024 8:36AM

Yes, you are correct, you will still have a failure if there is no alt text.

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From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > On Behalf Of Jim Byrne Accessible Web Design
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 3:40 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: [WebAIM] Is using aria-label to add alternative text - but no alt attribute still a WCAG fail?

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I’m auditing a website that has many crucial image that do not have alt attributes. However, they all have aria-label. I see W3C says ‘"The alt attribute continues to be the preferred way to provide alternative text for images” - which is bit vague.

In the past having no alt attribute would have been a fail - on the standards validation test alone. But the validation test is deprecated. So - the missing alt attribute no longer a fail?

The ARIA docs say that Aria-label is designed to add additional information. I.e., not the primary information expected via the alt attribute.

I’m assuming that having no alt attribute on an image is still a fail - even if ARIA is used to provide the alternative text - and specifically using aria-label instead of the alt attribute. Am I correct?


Multi-award-winning WCAG 2.2 AA Accessibility Auditing and Accessibility Consultant

Web: https://jimbyrne.co.uk<https://jimbyrne.co.uk>

Jim Byrne is one of the UK’s most experienced practitioners in the area of accessible digital design.

Jim provided feedback during the development of WCAG 2 (the de facto accessibility guidelines used by governments across the world). He is the author of a number of technical books, training courses and accessibility guides. Jim was a winner of the equal access category of the Global Bangemann Challenge.