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Re: Clear text within search edit field


From: Barry
Date: Sep 14, 2024 8:24AM

Even though there is an alternative method for achieving the same functionality (e.g., selecting the text in the edit field and using backspace or delete), this approach may still fail WCAG 2.1.1 (Keyboard Navigation) for the following reasons:

Efficiency and ease of use: The alternative method (manually selecting all text and pressing delete/backspace) is significantly less efficient and more cumbersome than directly interacting with a clear edit button. WCAG emphasizes that all users, including those relying on keyboard navigation, should have access to functionality that is equally efficient and operable. Requiring additional steps for keyboard users when a simple clear button is available for mouse users would not provide an equivalent experience.

Expectation of direct interaction: The button itself, being visible and interactive for mouse users, creates an expectation that it should also be available to keyboard users. Not providing keyboard access to the button is an accessibility gap. Even if another method exists, the button being non-focusable would still violate the principle of operability outlined in WCAG, as keyboard users would expect to interact with it directly.

Consistency with the standard: WCAG does not suggest that the presence of an alternative method excuses the inaccessibility of the primary method of interaction. The guideline aims for consistency across all input methods, ensuring that buttons and interactive elements are accessible through both mouse and keyboard in an intuitive and direct manner.

Thus, even with the alternative method, not making the clear button focusable and operable via keyboard would still likely fail SC 2.1.1, because the alternative is neither as direct nor as efficient as interacting with the button itself.

