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The Early-bird Registration for the 2024 Accessing Higher Ground Conference Ends Friday, September 20


From: Howard Kramer
Date: Sep 16, 2024 1:53PM

Register by Friday (Sept. 20) for the 10% early-bird discount

AHG 2024: Accessible Media, Web & Technology Conference

November 11 -15, 2024

Hilton Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado

Dear Colleagues:

*Early-bird Registration ends on September 20. *

(for the onsite 2024 Conference)

*ATHEN & AHEAD members also receive a 10% discount*
<https://accessinghigherground.org/pricing-2024/#Member_Discounts>* off
registration fees*.

*(See the above link for more info and for other discounts) *

*Keynote Speaker*: Ashley Shew is an associate professor of science,
technology, and society at Virginia Tech and cofounder of the Disability
Community Technology (DisCoTec) center there. She specializes in disability
studies and technology ethics.

Following up from ideas from her book *Against Technoableism: Rethinking
Who Needs Improvement*, her keynote talk takes us through the divergence of
rhetoric between typical news coverage about addressing problems related to
disability and what The Cyborg Jillian Weise calls “Cyborg Concerns.”
Highlights from this year’s event:

(Titles link to session descriptions)
Pre-Conference · 1-day Accessibility Testing Workshop (2024 update)
Karl Groves, Chief Innovation Officer, Level Access

· Create accessible documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, and
George Joeckel, Online Training Program Manager, Utah State University /
WebAIM, (1-day Certificate)
· Alternate Format Hands-On Intensive: How to Create Effective
Alternate Format
Susan Kelmer, Alternate Format Production Program Manager, University of
Colorado Boulder (2-day lab)

Main Conference

· Advancing Accessibility by Fostering Collaboration
Mike Williamson, Assistant Director, University of Colorado Boulder

· OCR’s Year In Review (2024)
<https://accessinghigherground.org/ocrs-year-in-review-2024/>, Mary Lou
Mobley, National Disability Expert, U.S. Dept. of Education

· Using EPUB to Retire the PDF
<https://accessinghigherground.org/using-epub-to-retire-the-pdf/>, Darrin
Evans, North Carolina Community College System

· Best Practices in Designing Instructional Presentations for Diverse
Joseph Feria-Galicia, Accessibility Team Lead, UC Berkeley

· Exploring the Potential of AI in Enhancing Accessibility
Lucy Greco, Accessibility Evangelist, University of California, Berkeley

· Our Journey to Creating an Accessible Procurement Process
Jen Bethmann, Web Accessibility Coordinator, Illinois State University

· 6 Things Screen Readers Catch that Your Document Accessibility
Checker Can’t
Dax Castro, Accessible Document Specialist, Chax Training and Consulting

And over 80 more

View complete agenda
<https://accessinghigherground.org/schedule-2024/> or register
now. <https://cvent.me/3kYN37>
More Information

If you have any questions, contact Howard Kramer at 720-351-8668 or at the
email below.


Conference URL: http://accessinghigherground.org/


Howard Kramer
AHG Conference Director
Accessing Higher Ground
cell: 720-351-8668

Sign up to access the recordings from the *2023 Accessing Higher
Ground Conference

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Complete program information and registration is open for AHEAD's full
line-up of Spring 2024 webinars

Not yet a member of AHEAD? *We welcome you to join AHEAD now.