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Re: {Spam?} HTML Forms with required inputs and a save draft feature


From: Paul Connolley
Date: Mar 19, 2025 7:01AM

On 17/03/2025 13:21, Patrick H. Lauke via WebAIM-Forum wrote:

> For instance, if you have two submit buttons - one to Save, one to
> Submit - you can add formNoValidate to the Save one
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLInputElement/formNoValidate

That's a really nice point about formNoValidate. Where it comes to
writing progressively enhanced experiences I do like to have a good
baseline and this is one I hadn't considered but it will be on my mind
from now on.

However, while I'm sure I'd know how to write the code to solve this,
I'm just as interested in knowing if anyone felt it wouldn't be a good
user experience. I take it you don't see anything terrible in this as an
overarching approach?

*connrs (Paul Connolley)*
@ <EMAIL REMOVED> <https://indieweb.social/@connrs> - https://conn.rs/