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Re: Unclosed list tags


From: Deryck Thake
Date: Oct 6, 2004 11:09AM

What version of HTML/XHTML are you using? (Or, what DOCTYPE are you using?).
If the standard for your version says that end tags are optional (which I
think they are for HTML4.01) then you don't strictly have a problem with
unclosed list items.
If you are using XHTML 1.* then you do.
I believe that you should always use valid (ie, standards-compliant) code
otherwise you cannot expect your visitor's UA to render the code properly.
If you are dealing with an intranet and you can control the UA then this may
be less of a problem.

Does that help any?


----- Original Message -----
> I have a question about which is the lesser of two evils. We develop sites
> using a Content Management tool we have built using Lotus Domino. One of
> the weaknesses of this is that Domino occasionally "makes up" the html for
> the rich text elements as it goes along.
> For instance, when generating a list, it forgets to close the tag, so
> you end up with something like the following:
> Option one....
> Option 2...
> Option 3...
> Content Managers were previously laying out bulleted lists using tables
> with 2 columns to show the bullet in the first column. Clearly this isn't
> a
> good way of showing lists, but at least they were seperate rows and looked
> good.
> We don't want to have to train all of our content managers on how to
> manually code lists properly in HTML - and if we did try, they would
> probably just ignore recommendations anyway!
> So my question is, which is the lesser of two evils? Putting it in a
> table,
> or having unclosed tags?