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Re: An attempt at an accessible web site...Please review


From: John Brandt
Date: Oct 6, 2004 4:12PM

<BODY id=role_body style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"
bottomMargin=7 leftMargin=7 topMargin=7 rightMargin=7>
The rest of the folks
have noted the major "errors" in your HTML, so I will not repeat these. But your
descriptions for ALT attributes also should be mentioned.

While it is not mentioned
specifically in any standards that I am aware of, a colleague of mine strongly
recommends that the text in the ALT attribute match the text in the graphic.
This would mean the CWD.gif should have ALT that reads "confidtech.com." The
rationale for this is that people who use voice command technology (as opposed
to keyboard or mouse) would not necessarily be able to "click" this link because
they would be speaking "Confidtech.com logo and link to web site." I think I
have that right...anyway, the recommended method is to have the two

It is a minor (perhaps
overly anal) issue, but while you're at it....might as well fix

Anyone else know about
this method want to chime in?


John E.
Augusta, Maine

href="mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> "> <EMAIL REMOVED>

From: jmoyn2339 [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:10 AMTo: WebAIM
Discussion ListSubject: [WebAIM] An attempt at an accessible web
site...Please review

Hi Everyone,
I would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions with regard this web
This is my first attempt at an accessible web site and just wanted some
input as to how I did?...If it needs any changes...