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Shopping carts and Accessibility


From: webaim
Date: Jan 26, 2005 5:32AM

Can anyone help me please. I am considering using a shopping cart
on my next website project; but it needs to have a high accessibility
and W3C standards level to match the rest of the Site.

I've done some searching on the Web for reviews and looked at the
Webaim archives where I found very little recent discussion on the

I have no experience in ecommerce. Everyone seems to have a shop! But
are they all accessible?

A friend (Doug Paulley) suggested I check up on "Interchange",
"Karova" and "IQsmartcart". Interchange seemed very complicated for
my simple requirements But the later is the most likely
to be of use to me - there's a demo at

But has anyone any user experience of these shopping carts or further

Note: We would be selling mostly club memberships (Worldwide) and
books, photographs, prints and ornamental objects possibly using
credit card transactions - although we are aware that there are other
methods of payment over the Internet.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Joseph Bosher, Artist, Web Author and Art Accessibility Advisor.
Email: <EMAIL REMOVED> . Tel: +44 (0)91 410 5889
Website: http://profwebsite.com