WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re Increasing font size


From: Margaret Tucker
Date: Feb 25, 2005 5:10PM

Thank you for this overview Terence. I always find yours so useful.

As the president (and webmaster) of a computer pals for seniors club here in
Sydney, I have built a website for our members, who are all over 55, with an
average age of 75 in fact. (We have active learners of 89). I have used
cascading style sheets with larger than average font, and encourage our
members with vision impairment to change the font size using View/Text size.
(Mr Gates has a captive market amongst our networks, with IE being used
almost universally). But then of course the navigation bar overlaps the
content. A real problem on our course timetable page!

Very few of our members see themselves as having a disability (like most
older people) so they would never think to look for accessibility features,
even though we (and our peak body ASCCA) have encouraged them to do so (see

I want to use a button on each page to enlarge the font, and have the
ability to do away with the left hand navigation bar - at least
temporarily - but haven't yet learned how to do so. I'm sure there must be
a CSS solution.

Any suggestions for online tutorials on this?



Margaret Tucker

A/Office Manager
Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association