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RE: The Commercialization of Web Accessibility
From: Sophie Latulippe
Date: Dec 19, 2001 2:30AM
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Hello everyone,
I'm new to this list. I think the best way to commercialize it is by making
it part of a list of web-related or media-related services.
Another way is to find the advantages of accessibility for non-disabled
persons. There has to be some...
One used to be slow connections, i. e browsing faster when images are off.
I think we might even use the term useability in stead of accessibility.
People have to find ways to show accessibility doesn't benifit a minority
(i.e. persons with disabilities) but other people has well. People must feel
that it is something that they are expected to do, but something that
enriches users experience and make it more fun!
If everybody on this list could find at least one way onm how web/media
accessibility can be an advantage for non-disabled people, we might be on
our way to market it more easilly..
It makes me think of the wheelchair accessible ramps which are also useful
for baby carriages, suitcases with wheels, and... why not... kids in
Sophie Latulippe
1625 de Maisonneuve West #1210
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