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Re: MathML and Section 508
From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Dec 19, 2001 1:32PM
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- Previous message: Kitzzy Aviles: "MathML and Section 508 "
- Next message in Thread: Jon Gunderson: "Re: MathML and Section 508 "
- Previous message in Thread: Kitzzy Aviles: "MathML and Section 508 "
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At 2:01 PM -0500 12/19/01, Kitzzy Aviles wrote:
>Has any researched and found an accessible way to use MathML? Or
>know a web site with some tips to do this?
I haven't played with it, but since -- to the best of my understanding,
MathML isn't intepreted correctly by AT -- I'd suggest using XSLT to
transform the output appropriately into, for example, HTML for
I don't know enough about how math symbols should be rendered for
blind users to do this myself. How do blind users prefer to "read"
mathematical notation? That would be the key to understanding how to
create the proper MathML -> HTML transformation via XSLT.
- --Kynn
- --
Kynn Bartlett < <EMAIL REMOVED> > http://kynn.com
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain http://idyllmtn.com
Web Accessibility Expert-for-hire http://kynn.com/resume
January Web Accessibility eCourse http://kynn.com/+d201
- Next message: Tim Harshbarger: "RE: The Commercialization of Web Accessibility "
- Previous message: Kitzzy Aviles: "MathML and Section 508 "
- Next message in Thread: Jon Gunderson: "Re: MathML and Section 508 "
- Previous message in Thread: Kitzzy Aviles: "MathML and Section 508 "
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