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Re: Popup Window idea


From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jul 25, 2005 2:17AM

On 7/25/05, Jan Eric Hellbusch < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hello,
> > Any comments why that is a bad idea and what would be a better one?
> > Yes, I will point out that popups should be avoided.
> Here is another one for the language barrier (German article):
> http://bf-w.de/knowhow/pop-up-fenster
> At the end of the article there are three dornloads, which do basically the
> same as what you are planning to do.
> By dynamically adding target and title you get your XHTML strict validation
> and your popup.

That is not exactly what I am planning to do. I plan to add the text
to the link text, as not all have title readout enabled. Furthermore I
try to avoid target.

> I don't really see, why popups should _never_ be used. There are plenty of
> examples, where they make sense (e.g. help page). In general they should be
> avoided.

The example will be a help page, however, I will also add a
popunder/XHR solution for that as another idea.

Chris Heilmann
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