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RE: (The return of...) Accessible popup menus
From: Glenda Watson Hyatt
Date: Aug 9, 2005 11:09AM
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Darrel wrote:
I really don't like fly-out menus. But, if I have to use them, I'm looking
for some viable options.
In addition to the two I mentioned, Ben's link led me to this example:
Glenda adds:
I just tried this one very quickly, so it's quite possible I missed
something, but for those using the keyboard it seems necessary to tab
through everything. That was one thing I liked about brothercake's, I think
it was. I could use the arrow keys to jump sub menus. That is simply my
input from an end-user's perspective. I realize there are back-end
considerations too, which I don't pretend to fully understand yet.
For what it's worth,
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- Next message: WebAIM: "Re: Mailman accessibility"
- Previous message: Jan Eric Hellbusch: "RE: label without form-element"
- Next message in Thread: Austin, Darrel: "RE: (The return of...) Accessible popup menus"
- Previous message in Thread: John Foliot - WATS.ca: "RE: (The return of...) Accessible popup menus"
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