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All in the Head: Document Type Definition


From: Karl Dawson
Date: Jan 9, 2006 1:00PM

Dear All,

Apologies if this is wanton self-promotion, let me know so I don't spam
again next week ;-)

"All in the Head" is a series of articles that I am publishing to concisely
explain how and why to construct a high quality, web-standards compliant
head section for a web page. The first article examines the Document Type
Definition (DTD)<http://www.thatstandardsguy.co.uk/2006/01/09/all-in-the-head-document-type-definitions/>;

Comments, especially error-spotting and general "bravo" very welcome, it all
helps with my work position.

Karl Dawson
Crusader for Web Standards and Accessibility
Accessites Team Member - http://www.accessites.org/

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