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Re: Font Resizers (WAS RE: back to top)
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jan 12, 2006 4:00AM
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> > You have made it more difficult to NN to learn about the basic features
> > of browser usage. Before seeing a site-specific control, NN may have
> > thought that there might (or should) be a way to change the font size
> > in general. Visiting a site with a special control _inside a page_
> > enforces the idea that there is no general control - why else would
> > some pages contain their own controls for that?
> This is VERY bold assumption, imho...
> Why not different path - before visiting said site NN had no idea
> that font size can be changed. When he saw that implemented
> as custom widget on the page, he might get an idea, this can be
> done in browser too - and starts to look for this feature, and discovers it.
> So in this case that special contro has helped NN to find out about
> features of his browser.
> Why this scenario is less likely?
Because he'd think "why did the site maintainer bother doing an own
one if there is one in the browser?" and that wouldn't be a bad
question at all...
People add "Bookmark this page" and "print this page" links to pages
that link to browser functionality, too. We are dumbing down users -
with good intent - but still we do.
Chris Heilmann
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