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Re: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: backtotop)
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jan 18, 2006 7:45AM
- Next message: Austin, Darrel: "RE: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: [WebAIM]backtotop)"
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> If implemented correctly, there shouldn't be much coding at all. It's
> all based on the CSS.
If you rely on the browser to offer a switcher for different styles
and the user to know where they can be switched, yes.
However, I doubt that any client spending any of the budget on
different styles will be satisfied with that - they'll want a visual
switcher tool and that means programming.
Chris Heilmann
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- Next message: Austin, Darrel: "RE: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: [WebAIM]backtotop)"
- Previous message: Sam: "Re: stylesheet changers (WAS Font Resizers (WAS RE: back totop)"
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