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Re: Content Management Systems
From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Jan 27, 2006 4:30PM
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That's probably the case. See, what most CMS developers don't realize
is that they not only have to conform to WCAG, but also to ATAG
(Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines).
I worked for a content management system company for a while. I tell
you, they could barely understand what I was trying to tell them about
the accessibility of the output, let alone the accessibility of the
tool itself. It's like I was speaking a foreign language.
Um, well, okay, the fact that they were Belgian didn't help things any.
On 1/27/06, Webmaster < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> The bigger problem in my opinion is the accessibility of the actual CMS
> interface as a web application/web client. What if users of assistive
> technology actually have to use the CMS to edit their web content? I'm
> just guessing, but I bet most vendors fail pretty miserably in this
> area.
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