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Re: Content Management Systems
From: Rosie Sherry
Date: Jan 31, 2006 5:45AM
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Our frustration in finding a suitable CMS which responds to the needs
of accessibility led to us creating our own CMS which can result in
fully accessible websites. It's also quite funky as it uses 'Web2'
technologies (a broad term, I know!).
As an example, we created the following website for our own business
requirements: www.drivenqa.com
We have created this as a product which can be made available upon request.
Rosie Sherry
QA Consultant
On 27/01/06, John E. Brandt < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> I'm wondering if any one has any reviews on content management systems that
> produce valid code and accessible designs. Most of the ones I've looked at
> use XML/XHTML which would lead you to believe that there is "well formed"
> code present and accessibility valued. However, most of the websites
> designed with CMS I have looked at have suffered from some bad coding and
> accessibility errors. I'd like to have a few to recommend to clients.
> Any suggestions?
> John E. Brandt
> Augusta, ME USA
> www.jebswebs.com
Rosie Sherry
Driven Systems Ltd
tel:+44 (0) 8450 580 546
mob:+44 (0) 77 309 525 37
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