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Re: 3 or 4 clicks


From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Mar 9, 2006 11:40AM

It depends on the context, and the right answers will probably come out in
your user testing for usability (which, of course, will involve users with
disabilities as well as those without).

There's no clear rule, of course.

Note that many users prefer searching rather than navigating, by the way. I
rarely descend hierarchies myself, any more.


On 3/9/06, <EMAIL REMOVED> < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> I am in the process of constructing a large web site that must be fully
> accessibile. The site is very deep but I'm trying to keep all information no
> more than 3 clicks away. In terms of accessibility which option would be
> best: a web document with a list of ~30 links (all to different documents)
> or forcing the user to access 4 documents (make 4 clicks) to get to the
> final information.