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Not re: PDF


From: Joe Clark
Date: Mar 10, 2006 1:20PM

>From: "Jukka K. Korpela" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
>>Tried to read a Visio file lately?
>I never encountered a Visio file on the Web, or on a CD-rom.


>It also prevents changing font face and size. (Zooming should not be
>confused with font size changing.)

Zoom plus reflow, which is quite possible in tagged PDF documents and
rather inconveniently possible in others, solves most of that
problem. It's my informed opinion that any claims that typeface must
be changeable to ensure accessibility are not borne out by research
or real-world experience of PDFs, which are scarcely ever typeset in
Brush Script or something like that.

>Several recommendations have warned against using PDF as the only
>format for delivering information on the Web, but its use has grown
>a lot, and the recommendations are being watered down.

I don't see any of that watering-down. I see a lot more discussion,
much of it in my own articles, about seriously limiting PDF usage on
the Web to those document types that really must be PDF.


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