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Re: Semantically pointless?


From: Pete Fairhurst
Date: Mar 14, 2006 3:20AM

On 13/03/06, Kynn Bartlett < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> On 3/13/06, Pete Fairhurst < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> >
> > Ideally, I'd think something like a definition list would be best suited
> > to what I'm trying to convey. But, as definition term elements cannot
> > contain markup, I'm opting for this simpler alternative.
> >
> This is an incorrect statement.
> <dt> elements can (and usually do) contain markup. They are restricted to
> %inline content only, but in your example you seem to be using only <b> and
> <img> elements, which are inline, and thus allowable.

Thanks for the clarity, Kynn. I've updated my markup as follows:

<dl id="forum-key">
<dt><img src="/images/icons/topic-new.gif" alt="New topic"/></dt>
<dd>Indicates that topics have been created in this forum since your
last visit.</dd>
<dt><img src="/images/icons/topic- frozen.gif" alt="Frozen topic"/></dt>
<dd>Indicates that the topic is no longer accepting new posts - it has
been effectively 'frozen'.</dd>

Pretty satisfied with that - any further comments or recommendations,

- Pete F.

"A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured
and then quietly strangled." -Sir Barnett Cocks