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Re: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Gez Lemon
Date: Mar 15, 2006 4:00AM

Hi Alastair,

On 15/03/06, Alastair Campbell < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> The skip-link isn't visible until you tab to it. This means that those
> using the keyboard find it, but otherwise it isn't visible (and it isn't
> hidden from screen readers either). See www.particlephysics.ac.uk for an
> example.

Have you done any user-testing to confirm that assertion? For screen
reader users it would be obvious, but it requires those not using
screen reader but rely on keyboard navigation to pay attention to the
screen as they navigate through the document. There is no reason for
anyone to assume they should pay special attention to the screen on
the off-chance that some navigation aid will suddenly present itself,
as it isn't expected behaviour.

I tend to agree with Christian that for a skip link to be useful, it
should be visible, as the behaviour is then predictable.

Best regards,


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