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Re: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Gez Lemon
Date: Mar 15, 2006 6:00AM

Hi Alastair,

On 15/03/06, Alastair Campbell < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> It's entirely possible I've missed a context of use, e.g. a common
> technologies for keyboard oriented access?
> If not though, I'm not sure who it would disadvantage.

My original point was more about comprehension. The first part is
comprehending that an unexpected behaviour was in fact a feature for
the visitor to navigate the document, and secondly, the visitor needs
to comprehend that something had changed.

For example, someone who relies on keyboard navigation might look at a
screen to see a huge navigation list. They look down at the keyboard
to locate the tab key, and start to press it continuously. By the time
they look back up at the screen, they're busily tabbing through the
navigation unaware that they had bypassed a feature was meant to help

Another example might be someone looking at the screen as they're
tabbing through the content, only to notice that the screen flickers
as they're tabbing through (as it displays and quickly removes the
skip link). Would they comprehend in the flicker that a feature just
popped up that could help them?

Best regards,


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