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RE: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Mar 15, 2006 7:40AM

Kynn Bartlett wrote:
> Also, have you tested these on mobile devices? When you're
> viewing the web on a Treo palm/cell phone, skip navigation
> really /is/ useful.

That will depend on their CSS support. If they have limited support
(e.g. don't understand @import or positioning), then yes, they should
get the skip link at the top, as do screen readers.

Difficult to tell what would happen if they have mixed support for
things, have you got one to try?

> I don't get the desire to have skip-navigation
> links and yet hide them like some kind of easter egg. They're not
> predictable interaction that way.

There are several different user groups for whom this functionality is a
benefit, and a group or two that doesn't like them there (often the
My desire it to provide the function to those that need it, preferably
without having to set site preferences.

Kind regards,


Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience

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