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RE: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Mar 15, 2006 8:50AM

Kynn wrote:
> So you're depending on broken CSS implementations?

Not really, I'm depending on predictable implementations. E.g. my phone
doesn't support CSS beyond colours, it applies no layout at all, so the
skip links appear fine.

Mobile Opera has two modes (on my version) one which applies layout and
one that doesn't. In the layout mode, I think (although I could be
wrong) that it brings up the skip link when you press down. I don't have
mobile Opera anymore, so perhaps that's wishful thinking on my part, but
I do know that it applied the layouts well on the sites I tested,
mitigating the need for the skip link anyway (it acts more like a

There is a middle ground of devices that try to support CSS but get
things wrong, those are the ones that will get these type of skip links
wrong. However, I would say the onus there is on the device developers
(do any of them support handheld media types apart from Opera?).

Kind regards,


Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience

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