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RE: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Mark D. Urban
Date: Mar 15, 2006 12:10PM

I'm actually of the opinion that Allen is right on his first suggestion -
Skip Navs should be visible.

The second is an interesting thought, although I think that a user of a
screen mag may easy get lost if the focus jumps without warning.


-Mark D. Urban

919-395-8513 (cell)
Chair, North Carolina Governor's Advocacy Council for Persons with
Keep up with the latest in worldwide accessibility at (
<http://www.icdri.org/>; http://www.icdri.org/)

From: Hoffman, Allen [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:42 PM
Subject: [WebAIM] skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.

I'd like to hear opinions on the following:
Providing the skip-nav capacity as described in Section 508 1194.22(o) is
most often implemented as an invisible pixel with an alt attribute. This
works fine for screen reader users, but for low-vision users of
magnification software isn't really of much help. I am thinking of first
recommending that skip-nav links be visible, second that for non-scrolling
pages, why not just use setfocus and put focus where it should go, or use
tabindex=1 to jump to the content--saves keystrokes.

Allen Hoffman