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Re: skip-nav tabindex setfocus etc.


From: Al Sparber
Date: Mar 15, 2006 3:20PM

Christian Heilmann wrote:
>> The new WaSP templates will have this as well, however, I
>> personally
>> think a visible skip link shows buy-in to web accessibility a lot
>> more than any "WCAG compliant and Bobby Approved" banners would
>> ever
>> do.
>> Is it about stickers and approvals or about accessibility?
> Ask clients like councils. I've spent many a time telling them that
> putting lots of banners on the site does not make it accessible.
> Clients that are legally bound (or think they are more legally bound
> than others) are very much for showing off that they are doing
> something in terms of accessibility. That in most of the cases this
> is
> lip-service or sometimes even harmful is the other side of the
> story,
> but at least this is a hook you have to get them to embrace
> diversity
> and "ambient findability".
> Lame flamebait, by the way.

Why is that? I was merely responding to your statement and asked a
legitimate, but largely rhetorical question. I certainly did not
intend to bait you - although you seem to have found a hook on your
own :-)

In any event, I am gathering that this issue has a lot of opinions but
no definitive answers. Some good points were raised, but no supporting
evidence or data to draw a good conclusion from. Onward and upward.

Thanks for the banter.

Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling
mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that
repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".