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RE: UK BSI PAS 78 guide


From: L
Date: Mar 16, 2006 4:10AM

Patrick Lauke wrote:

"You know, I was wondering about that myself. I thought maybe they had two different types of "goodie bags" to cater for the different attendees. They obviously hadn't thought that one out too well. *sigh*

Incidentally, spotted you in the afternoon at the launch event, but then got caught in a discussion at the end of the day. Otherwise I would have come over to say hi *smile"

They did ask if I'd like an alternative format copy, but I guess the information got garbled somewhere between booking a place and actually getting there.

It was a good day for discussions, not least because it was the best round up of all the usual accessibility suspects in a long time! If you spot me next time, shout and I'll wander over.
