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RE: ABBR vs. just spelling it out.
From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Mar 22, 2006 1:40PM
- Next message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Accessible podcasts"
- Previous message: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
- Next message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
- Previous message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
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> No, web accessibility in a general sense is about disabled
> populations.
That's the biggest problem with a lot of current accessibility thinking.
WAY to many people assume that accessibility issues mean 'accomodating
blind people' and fail to see the bigger picture.
My personal definition of web accessibility is:
Striving to make more of your content usable for more people (ie,
customers) on more devices.
- Next message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Accessible podcasts"
- Previous message: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
- Next message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
- Previous message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: ABBR vs. just spelling it out."
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