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RE: (no subject)
From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Mar 28, 2006 2:50PM
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> Are there any browser-based rich text editors (wysiwyg) such
> as you find or creating and editting content in a CMS that
> is accessible? Especially to a screen reader? I'd like to
> find an example of a Section 508 or WCAG 1.0 compliant one,
> however I don't know that one exists. Any suggestions on
> this or what adaptations could be made to make a typical one
> more accessible?
Making content accessible is very much a human task rather than an
editor itself, however, out of all the editors, I must say Xstandard
comes the closest in terms of making ideal semantic markup and
facilitating accessibility ehancements to the content.
Is it, itself, accessible? I'm not sure...but since it isn't javascript
based (as most are) it may have an advantage in that department.
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