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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 4, 2006 4:30AM
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> Is anyone going (CSS) naked for the first annual CSS Naked Day tomorrow?
> http://naked.dustindiaz.com/
> (The idea is to promote Web Standards so it isn't entirely off topic.)
I'd say the idea is to promote a lot of web designers as themselves
and an amazing back-patting exercise.
Sorry but
"This is merely to see if you're up to the challenge to put your
website on the line. If you run an e-commerce website, you ought not
participate; this is purely for those with personal blogs or for those
who run publications or&whatever."
Makes it a rather "preaching to the choir" excercise. What point is
there in keeping a lot of web design blogs unstyled to promote the use
of CSS? Who else but bloggers do care? If a lot of webshops or really
massive news portals would do it, that'll be different.
Reminds me of the greyday:
How about a "noscript" day, turning off all JavaScript or a "keyboard
awareness day", overruling all click events and only allowing for
keyboard navigation?
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