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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day
From: Penny Roberts
Date: Apr 5, 2006 10:00AM
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Daniel Champion wrote:
> Indeed, the only effect I can see is to disorient visitors who aren't
> savvy, potentially sending them scurrying to their virus/spyware checker
> to see if they've been infected with something nasty.
Hardly, since the first thing a visitor to the participating sites saw
was a notice explaining CSS Naked Day.
> appreciate the positives that will accrue from CSS naked day,
It brought attention to CSS, semantic mark-up, structure, hierachy; and
it did it in a fun way. I really don't understand why everyone is being
so negative about it.
but then I'm
> a grouch.
Then lighten up. No-one hurt you by doing this and the intention was good.
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