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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day


From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Apr 5, 2006 10:20AM

On 4/5/06, Penny Roberts < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> It brought attention to CSS, semantic mark-up, structure, hierachy; and
> it did it in a fun way.

And in a way which was very much centered on designers over
developers. More of the same.

> I really don't understand why everyone is being
> so negative about it.

Because it's a bad idea.

> Then lighten up. No-one hurt you by doing this and the intention was good.

"Lighten up" is yet another way of saying "our public stunt should be
above valid criticism," isn't it?

The intention may be good, sure. Good intentions don't make for a good
public stunt. This was a bad idea, and it deserves to be discussed and
condemned as such.


Kynn Bartlett < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Writer, Web Developer, Photographer, Game Designer
Tucson, Arizona