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RE: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day


From: L
Date: Apr 5, 2006 11:20AM

Kynn Bartlett wrote:

"What's the valid point and who are you making it to?"

That content should work when separated from design. To anyone who has not understood the concepts involved, to anyone who happened across one of these sites and was curious to know why it looked unstyled, to the many people who read the web sites and blogs involved and who might be curious about what a site looks like when unstyled, to anyone interested in how a site may be presented to a screen reader user.

"Separation of presentation from content is something for WEB DEVELOPERS to worry about."

Of course it is, but who do you suppose is reading forums like Accessify or the blogs of developers and experts in the field. Not everyone is experienced and giving a practical demonstration may help new developers make the connection.

"In other words, you think you're above criticism."

Hardly. Besides, I didn't think you were criticising me personally, only the concept of CSS Naked Day. If I misunderstood, my apologies. *Smile.

"How exactly is it less educational and useful to point out that this is a wholly DESIGNER-CENTRIC stunt that serves no benefit to the end user, and, in fact, may seriously degrade her ability to use many sites?"

I find that criticism needs to be constructive, not dismissive, it's just a personal viewpoint. Either way, I think we agree on the benefits of separating structure from presentation, all we disagree on is the method of promoting it. For me, educational criticism would have been to suggest better ways to promote the same thing, rather than to dismiss the proposed method out of hand.

Were you thinking of a specific example when you mentioned site degredation?
