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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day
From: Daniel Champion
Date: Apr 6, 2006 1:40AM
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Penny Roberts wrote:
>Hardly, since the first thing a visitor to the participating sites saw
>was a notice explaining CSS Naked Day.
And that explanation would have made almost no sense to someone who didn't
already get it, and most of those who don't already get it don't care, or
who shouldn't need to worry about it.
>It brought attention to CSS, semantic mark-up, structure, hierachy; and
>it did it in a fun way.
Fun for whom? Almost certainly not for the ordinary user - I visited a
couple of sites during the day and found the experience disorientating and
the sites hard to use, and it's my opinion that users who didn't know what
was going on would have had a more adverse reaction. The benefits of
semantic, structured HTML aren't made obvious by visiting an unstyled site
using a mouse, keyboard and desktop browser.
>I really don't understand why everyone is being so negative about it.
Maybe you're not trying hard enough to understand? I appreciate (and
support) the sentiment behind the idea of CSS Naked Day, but in my
*opinion* the mode of execution didn't adequately support the aims.
>No-one hurt you by doing this and the intention was good.
And similarly my misgivings hurt no-one, yet you feel it necessary to
pillory me and others who disagree with your view? I'd welcome some debate
of the points that are being made, but to do that you need to get over the
fact that there are those who might disagree with you.
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- Previous message in Thread: Christian Heilmann: "Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day"
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