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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day


From: Penny Roberts
Date: Apr 6, 2006 5:00AM

Kynn Bartlett wrote:
> On 4/5/06, Penny Roberts < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> Lighten up: it hasn't done any harm and the intention is good. If it
>> makes a few more people aware of the need for good mark-up, separation
>> of style and all the other things that we should espouse then it has
>> done what it set out to do. Why be so negative?
> Because it's a bad idea, and because bad ideas aren't above criticism,
> no matter if Penny Roberts really, really likes them or not.

And it isn't necessarily a Bad Idea just because Kynn Bartlett sees the
negative aspects of everything. I didn't have any strong feelings about
the idea one way or the other when I posted: it seemed like a fun way of
making a point and I wondered whether anyone was going to take
The counter-arguments so far haven't convinced me that this is a Bad
Idea; nor have any of you convinced me that the people who are taking
part are doing so for self-promotion. I read the comments of the people
who were adding themselves to the list and the idea does seem to have
achieved what it set out to do: made people aware of the way their sites
are built.

> It's a shame you feel that criticism of your public stunt is "so
> negative" -- maybe it's negative because it's a bad idea.

It isn't my publicity stunt. I visited Accessify, saw that it was
CSS-less and followed the link to find out what it was all about. I
posted the link here to find out whether anyone here was taking part.
In what way does that make it my public stunt?
By all means discuss whether it is a good, bad or ill-conceived idea
but making attacks on the integrity of the people behind the idea when
they cannot defend themselves is hardly good debating technique.

You seem to
> be taking this much too personally. Perhaps you have too much invested
> in this designer-centric self-congratulatory stunt?

I don't have anything invested in it. I'm not taking it personally:
why should I? I do, however, feel that some of you are making judgements
on the motives of the originator(s) of the idea and those taking part
and I can see no justification for that.
