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Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day


From: Kynn Bartlett
Date: Apr 6, 2006 9:20AM

On 4/6/06, Tim Beadle < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> On 06/04/06, Penny Roberts < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> > And it isn't necessarily a Bad Idea just because Kynn Bartlett sees the
> > negative aspects of everything.
> "Death by Devil's Advocate", anyone?

For a mailing list which is based on the idea that we need to convince
people to do something which they don't want to do -- i.e. activism,
some of it involving telling folks they're doing the wrong things --
you folks are awful quick to whine and complain that someone might be,
you know, critical of something.

I find the two posts above -- "Kynn Bartlett sees the negative aspects
of everything" and "Death by Devil's Advocate" -- to be personal
attacks attacks against me.

Yes, I am skeptical of a lot of nonsense that goes on here. And yes, I
am direct and blunt. But I think a lot of you need to get over the
idea that attacking me instead of my ideas is a good idea.

> I do, however, feel that some of you are making judgements
> on the motives of the originator(s) of the idea and those taking part
> and I can see no justification for that.

This is a case of projection, given that you've impugned my motives.
I've repeatedly said their motives are good but their implementation
is pointless. Apparently you think people should be immune to
criticism -- what, unless they're me?

I'm done with this topic, and your little stunt (and I'm calling it
yours because you joined it, and you advertised it here) is over, at
least for this year. It was a bad idea, and I was right about it being
a bad idea -- and I was far from the only person to say it here, nor
was I the first person to say it.

If that's just cause for labeling me the Devil and claiming that I'm
destroying innovation in the marketplace or whatever, well, you folks
have your own problems to work out, I think.


Kynn Bartlett < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Writer, Web Developer, Photographer, Game Designer
Tucson, Arizona