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Php Script Stumped!
From: Sailesh Panchang
Date: Apr 6, 2006 3:00PM
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Hello There,
Looked at the code and wondered if I understood you right. You are
explicitly echoing or displaying the username and password through the PHP
script. If you do not do so then the username and password will not display,
right? Or am I missing something? I see you are hard coding the username in
the message instead of echoing the POST variable.
As for the time:
Consider getdate() then use strftime with format characters as you wish
Eg. print strftime('%c');
Also consider
// For local time is EST (U.S.)
$time_parts = localtime();
// (Then PST) is three hours earlier
$PST_time_parts = localtime(time() - 3 * 3600);
Hope this helps
Sailesh Panchang
Senior Accessibility Engineer
Deque Systems Inc. (www.deque.com)
11180 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite #400,
Reston VA 20191
Phone: 703-225-0380 (ext 105)
- Next message: Tonda King: "Re: Php Script Stumped!"
- Previous message: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Slightly OT: CSS Naked Day"
- Next message in Thread: Tonda King: "Re: Php Script Stumped!"
- Previous message in Thread: marvin hunkin: "Php Script Stumped!"
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