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RE: Adding a label to search box
From: Jim Thatcher
Date: Apr 11, 2006 1:10PM
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Hi Emma,
This is a perfect example of where the title attribute on the input element
is needed, when information is available to sighted users, and not available
to a screen reader user, commonly when the 2-dimensional view provides
context - or when the prompting information is spread out.
Use title="search text" on the input element.
It is a no-brainer - no need to hide text and the title is supported by
screen readers.
Accessibility Consulting: http://jimthatcher.com/
- Next message: Jon Gunderson: "Re: Adding a label to search box"
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- Next message in Thread: Jon Gunderson: "Re: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Adding a label to search box"
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