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Re: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box
From: ben morrison
Date: Apr 12, 2006 4:50AM
- Next message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message: Penny Roberts: "Re: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Next message in Thread: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
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On 4/12/06, Penny Roberts < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> ben morrison wrote:
> > However, not one of them clicked on the label for checkboxes, radio or
> > inputs or used tab for that matter.
> So they all homed in on the radio or checkbox itself rather than using
> the larger area that the label afforded: do you think it was because
> they didn't realise that they could or just because homing in seemed a
> natural thing to do? Did any of the users have motor control problems?
I would say because they didnt know you could - the fact that labels
are becoming more widespread may change this, but I doubt people would
try clicking randomly on text... None of the users had motor control
problems... all were able bodied.
- Next message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message: Penny Roberts: "Re: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Next message in Thread: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message in Thread: Penny Roberts: "Re: Clickable labels WAS: Adding a label to search box"
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