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RE: Adding a label to search box


From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: Apr 12, 2006 8:00AM

> It seems that JAWS has title reading off by default, for
> starters, and not many people turn it on:
> http://www.sf.id.au/WE05/survey.html

For form controls this is not true. From this page, one of their
conclusions is:
Most screen reading software can access TITLE attribute content on form
controls by default.

The only AT citing as not using title by default for form elements is
SuperNova 6. This was not my recollection from this AT - can anyone
else confirm?

> More research on that:
> http://www.stcsig.org/usability/newsletter/0304-observing.html

This page doesn't actually have the word title in it. I'm not sure what
you're referring to. In fact, in the linked PDF from their report they
say you can use the title attribute.

> http://www.standards-schmandards.com/index.php?2005/01/10/13-b

This talks about the title attribute with regard to links only.

> http://www.access-matters.com/2005/10/01/quiz-118-alt-text-or-
> title-text/

This talks about the title attribute with regard to links only.

I agree about the use a title on other elements, but for inputs and
other form controls I think Jim's advice is solid.