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Moz/FF extension
From: Joseph O'Connor
Date: Apr 20, 2006 3:20PM
- Next message: smithj7: "Drop down list, css, and xhtml"
- Previous message: Penny Roberts: "Re: FW: Adding a label to search box"
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- Previous message in Thread: Amos, Donald: "RE: Moz/FF extension"
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Don't know if you are aware of this:
Accessibility Extensions for Mozilla/Firefox
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES) and
Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
"The Mozilla/Firefox Accessibility Extension makes it easier for
people with disabilities to view and navigate web content. A toolbar
provides easy access to navigation, styling, and keyboard enhancement
functionality. Developers can use the extension to check their
structural markup from the browser window to verify that it matches
the page content..."
Joseph O'Connor
Manager, University Web Communications
California State University, Northridge
- Next message: smithj7: "Drop down list, css, and xhtml"
- Previous message: Penny Roberts: "Re: FW: Adding a label to search box"
- Next message in Thread: None
- Previous message in Thread: Amos, Donald: "RE: Moz/FF extension"
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