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Need Help With Tables
From: marvin hunkin
Date: Apr 20, 2006 7:40PM
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if any one can help me, please e-mail me off list and will send the files to
now when reading in sentence mode in jaws, i want the heading and the table
content to be on one line, with a space between each content, and not on two
how do i do this, and what is the code to do this?
as my atatchment is too big, could you please e-mail me and i will send it
to you, for you to have a look at, as have got no site at the moment.
let me know asap.
cheers Marvin.
- Next message: Tim Beadle: "Re: Drop down list, css, and xhtml"
- Previous message: smithj7: "Drop down list, css, and xhtml"
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